School Gang Problems


RAWANG: They are not just ordinary backyard school bullies – at just 14 and 16, they are already hardcore gangsters and now, sadistic rapists.

They strike terror among their schoolmates and even the teachers, and residents in the two neighbourhoods near the school live in fear of them.

Afraid of what these teenagers could do to them, teachers, parents and residents have instead opted to keep quiet.

Cases of molest are said to be rampant, but almost all of these cases went unreported as the victims feared more severe “repercussions”.

However, the matter came to light after a police report was lodged over the rape of a Form 2 girl by her schoolmates at their school premises.

The news shocked the nation, and Malaysians want to know how the student could have been attacked in her school where she is supposed to be safe.

Several students, overcome by the plight of the rape victim, broke the news to the caretaker of an orphanage.

The 14-year-old girl had been repeatedly raped by several of her classmates in various locations of the school over a three-week period.

A medical examination carried out revealed that a 4cm-long pencil had been lodged in her private parts.

The Starprobe team spent almost four weeks to unearth the truth – such was the extent of fear that gripped the community. More than 20 people were interviewed, including students, residents, parents and teachers.

The team investigating the goings-on in the school was told that the girl had also been tortured by the same group of boys. They were detained by police but have since been released on police bail.

A friend of the victim claimed that a bottle of minyak cap kapak (medicated oil) was emptied into the victim’s private parts.

“The boys also stuffed ice cubes in,” she claimed.

That the girls were fearful to even talk to the Starprobe team was evident – they spoke only after shutting the doors and windows, pulling the curtains and turning up the TV volume.

They were uneasy with the questions asked, but eventually revealed that there were three “triads” – known as 08, 21 and 36 – operating within and outside the school grounds.

Randy (not his real name), a former triad member, said extorting from schoolmates was an everyday occurrence.

What is interesting was how the amount extorted came about.

“If the triad number is 08, the amount extorted is RM8,” he said, adding that those who refused to pay would be beaten up.

He also claimed that some gang members distributed drugs like ganja, ketamine and Eramin 5 in school.

“The drugs are sourced from gangsters on the outside,” he said.

A Form Four student said she saw a Form Three girl being molested by eight boys in two incidents in the girls’ toilet and in an empty classroom in March.

“I am shocked that they can do this without any fear or remorse,” she added.

A resident, Sarimah (not her real name), said her family were constantly troubled by the bullies, who used a short-cut near her home to go to school.

“My daughters are afraid even to go out and play whenever they are around,” said the mother of three.

She said the boys had even vandalised her husband’s car and thrown stones into her house.

“They also use vulgar words liberally,” she added.

When Sarimah reported the matter to the school, she said a teacher told her to move elsewhere if she could not take the torment.

A caretaker of a Muslim cemetery beside the school said the bullies would get intoxicated on alcohol and drugs, and dance at the cemetery to taunt him.

“During one of their drinking sessions, they pelted me with stones when I questioned them. They told me to mind my own business and threatened to assault me,” he said, adding that he gave photographs of the students to the school management but no action had been taken.

Checks showed that graffiti depicted the gangs’ triad numbers on the walls of the school.

The bullies also damaged vehicles parked in the school grounds, smashing windscreens and vandalising cars belonging to teachers.

“Happy hour” sessions are on every Friday afternoon next to the cemetery.

The ARTICLE here!

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School Of Terror !


STUDENTS at a co-ed secondary school in Rawang, Selangor, dread going to school every day knowing what awaits them when they step into the compound. Groups of boys randomly pounce on their schoolmates almost every day, demanding protection money ranging from RM8 to RM36.

Those who refuse to pay are assaulted or mocked until they pay up.

Violent attacks, rapes and drunken binges by schoolboys spewing four-letter words are all common in this school.

And it’s not just fellow students who are afraid. Residents outside the school are equally afraid of these schoolboy gang members.

The Starprobe team went undercover to talk to students, former students, parents, teachers and residents, revealing a sorry story of triad activities, drug distribution, alcoholism, vandalism and sexual crimes.

The ARTICLE here !

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Guess The Papers Has Nothing Better to Print....

This is what I saw on The Star this morning. This is one news that gives u a major WTF!!!

GEORGE TOWN: A used condom found on the floor of an entertainment outlet here during a police raid has got its patrons talking, especially those who packed the premises on Saturday night.

The condom with semen in it was found by a policeman near the wall beneath a table.

A party-goer, only known as Andy, said he could not fathom how a couple could have had sex in the midst of such a big crowd.

“It’s a public area and there are many people dancing,” he said.

OWNED! Is it so F**KING strange to find a used condom in a club? I found a used condom in an LRT Station in Bangsar once, SO WHAT? Can I put it in the papers too and get some money from it?

They better report this too.

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Malaysia Is Donating???

I find it hard to believe when I read this article the other day :

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia is donating US$1mil (RM3.14mil) to Pakistan to help the country which has been hit by massive floods since July 22.

Foreign Ministry in a statement said the humanitarian aid was a manifestation of Malaysia’s sympathy and empathy towards the Pakistani government and people who had suffered the loss of lives and damage to major infrastructure and property in the floods.

“We hope the humanitarian aid can help ease the pain suffered by the flood victims.

“This is the worst flood Pakistan has experienced in 80 years. It has claimed about 1,600 lives, while almost one million have lost their homes.

“The lives of about 3.5 million people in several areas including Punjab, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Kyber Pakhtunkhwa have been affected because of this disaster,” the statement said.

The money would be delivered as soon as possible to Pakistan, which was also received aid from other countries and agencies such as the United Nations.

WTF man! First they were telling us we are going bankrupt. Then, it was about cutting subsidies. After that, they donate. The sum might not be much to a country but I guess out of that 3 mil probably errr..... 2.5 mil is going into someone else pocket. What makes you think Pakistan can't handle 3 mil?


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Remember When Your Mom Warned You About The Stranger?

Yea, you could. However people are still stupid enough to meet up with people that they have never seen before in their lives. DAMN! From The Star :


A PRIMARY school student waited for four months before meeting a man with whom she had fallen in love after a handphone affair – and ended up being raped by three men instead.

The 12-year-old from Kampung Teluk Menara, Manir, Kuala Terengganu, who got to know her 22-year-old “lover” via SMS, was coaxed into meeting him last Monday.

The daily quoted Kuala Terengganu OCPD Asst Comm Zamri Shamsuddin as saying that the victim waited for her “lover” in front of a clinic in Kubang Jela but another man, who claimed to be representing him, turned up at around 4pm.

The suspect then brought the victim to a rented house at Jalan Sultan Mahmud where he and two other men raped her.

The victim lodged a police report at 9.30pm on Tuesday and the three suspects have been detained and remanded for a week to assist investigations.

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Mak Nook Definitely Got Some Touch

I read this article early this morning, and f**k it made my week. Here it goes from The Star :

KUALA TERENGGANU: What is the secret that allows a woman who is 70 years older than her husband to keep her man happy?

In the case of 108-year-old Wook Kundor it is her “killer massage” that she learned from her ancestors.

The traditional massage is what is keeping her 23rd husband Mohd Noor Che Musa, 38, glued to her side.

“I will massage him when he starts to talk about younger women. This will dissuade him from thinking about them,” she said when met at her house in Kampung Bukit Tok Bat in Kuala Berang yesterday.

Asked the technique of the massage, Wook refused to share her secret, but said the focal point of the massage was to concentrate on rubbing the sensitive parts of the body.

BTW, this is how Nook looks like, if you are interested

Damn, imagine if she goes apeshit on your 'sensitive parts'.

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Damn Cool 'Puisi'

The fellow who wrote this must have a lot of time and creativity. Was found at a site called

Menteri negara boros dan sombong
Kuat merepek bercakap kosong
Tipu rakyat negara lingkup
padahalnya duit makan tak cukup

Beli kapal bina rumah
Orang miskin biar susah
Bukan Melayu dipanggil pendatang
Layanan diberi macam binatang

Masuk poket subsidi potong
Minyak, gas, buku dan gula
Kerja tak buat banyak kelentong
Dahlah bodoh nak malas pula

EPIC !!!!

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10 Illegal Things That Malaysians are Popular Of

In Malaysia, you have to do at least 5 of this to be a true Malaysian. The countdown begins with no particular order :

1) Buying pirated VCD's
2) Double and triple parking
4) Speeding
5) Beating the red light
3) Smoking indoors
6) Littering/Spitting
7) Maxing out our house compound regardless of safety rules
8) Give/receive out 'duit kopi'
9) Stick bills about loans and sex medicine on public property
10) Saying some really nasty things about the government

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Subsidy Cuts

Many Malaysians rant and complain about the recent subsidy cuts and they have good reasons to do so. While we are being bombarded by the media about fiscal deficits, national debts and a whole lot more economic jargon the people only know one thing : THIS IS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD!

Why is it so?

Firstly, the obvious reason is that it hurt pockets of the people. My petrol a week goes up by 3 bucks and drinks in town have gone up by 10 cents (the mamak uncle won't reduce the sugar for you just because the price of sugar goes up). Public transport is lousy and inefficient and to make matters worse last year they changed the rates.

Secondly, by cutting subsidies the people expect more projects launched by the government to keep the economy rolling, balancing the inflation. However rampant corruption (to the degree that the 'muka dua' can ask for it openly in Sibu) and lack of supervision onto inflation just makes the country sink deeper.

Lets just pray that this time its a different story altogether (although something tells me its not gonna be).

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Gangsta-rism is Not A Problem Because Datuk Michael Chong Said So

From The Star 12/07/2010 : Most students join “naughty groups” in schools because they want to show off, says MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong.

“There is no serious gangsterism in schools these days. These teenagers are just mischievous or have mixed with the wrong crowd,” he said.

“This is because we have yet to hear reports of them drinking blood or walking on fire as a rite of passage to join a gangster group,” he said.

“They just fill in their names on a piece of paper. I don’t think that sounds convincing,” he said.

After reading that short passage above, I burst out laughing. I think our MCA Datuk Michael Chong watches too much HK movies la. You don't need to be a professor or have a doctorate degree to know that gangster-ism doesn't just involve going around with a meat cleaver or bicycle chain, have fancy intake programs and slashing people like a big timer. It also includes terrorizing people and roaming around causing havoc like a s0ha!. (BTW, you don't need to be in a gang to be gangsta. Just act like one will do).

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National Monument : It Will Not Be a White Elephant

The Star 8/07/2010 : Datuk M. Saravanan, the Federal Territories Urban Wellbeing Deputy Minister says that the National Monument is built to woo tourists and will not be a waste of taxpayer's money. Who is he to say ya?

The cost of this thing is RM 21 mil. I dunno how the F**K he can say that this is not a waste of money. I asked myself, will you actually spend some cash to look at a long thin p*nis that will get you bored as b!tch in less than 5 mins? (Viagra can do better)

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JPJ or PDRM : What's the Diff?

I recently went to renew my road tax and they told me I had two unpaid summons. Firstly, the post office lady couldn't tell me which dept it came from so I had to drive all the way to JPJ which is kinda far from my place. Then they told me the fine was from PDRM which must be paid in SELECTED police quarters. The selected ones are in Ampang, Kajang and 'Hai Kai' near Petaling Street that are all f**king far places for almost everyone.

But my question is, what's the difference if you are paying a fine???? Everything is computerized now so can't we just pay in JPJ and let them update it into the system??? I thought Malaysia give out money slow only, now we PAY also so difficult... go home 'tidur' better lah.

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Why is RELA Man Wrong In Shooting Tiger?

Why is everyone so bloody critical about the tiger being shot dead? I mean yea Malayan tigers are rare and they are gonna be extinct bla bla bla. But think of this, this tiger is terrorizing people and beginning to kill poultry.

All I want to say is one thing, if there is a tiger going around in your neighbourhood will you shoot it? Think about it only say people wrong lah please..... Not 'anjing liar' OK!!

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Police Dept Most Complaints, Sure lah....

I don't understand why is this being reported at the first place. It is not that we do not know it. This is a first hand experience from me. My sister's handbag was snatched in OUG market a few years ago. I brought her to the nearest police station to make a report later in the afternoon.

Firstly, we had to wait a really long time despite having numerous officers there that were actually quite free. (it's not like writing a report is soooo difficult you need some sergeant or corporal to do it right)

Secondly, after it is done you have to collect the report so that you can renew your I.C. I was shocked that you actually have to pay RM 2 for the report. For F*CK'S SAKE you got robbed! And they ask you to PAY?! Imagine you got here yourself, everything's gone and they tell you OH WE NEED TO COLLECT MONEY FROM YOU.

Another experience was when I applied for a 'police box' a few few years back where they were suppose to sign the booklet inside the box since my house was an end lot. They came consistently for a while but after that it just went downhill. The only time the came was during CNY where they ask for angpous.


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Tearing Down Pudu Jail

As I am blogging right now, Pudu Jail is about 5 minutes from being torn down to make way for Kuala Lumpur's development. I am deeply saddened by the fact that not even a piece of the jail is left for commemoration.

Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin said it is not something to be proud of but think again; Alcatraz Island, Berlin Wall and even the death camps are not something to be proud of as well. It doesn't mean that if you are not proud of it, it does not have any significance to the public.

It again shows that the government lacks the motivation to preserve historical sites time and again.

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Abolish UPSR and PMR : Common Sense Not So Common

When I read the headlines on The Star this morning, I can't help but to wonder which 'kacang' (or is it a bunch of 'kacangs') passed down this brilliant decision. When the people say the UPSR and PMR was getting easier, they actually mean the standard has dropped.

But the mighty government did a noble thing for the 'rakyat' THEY ERASE THE STANDARD. Who in the right sense would do that? Examinations are for you to see where you stand, and to erase it means to hide your problems to a later date like SPM or worse Form 6. The reason given was that they want students to think outside the classroom and not have a TOO-RIGID education system (who the h*ll thinks that the Malaysian education system is too f*cking rigid?! I had a spanking awesome time).

My opinion is bring back the exams and not just that, UP THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL FOR GOODNESS SAKE.

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Name the Cat : 'Banyaknya Masa'

Instead of attending to important matters like err.... the Penang Second Bridge Project and the RM 812mil imperial crib, the 1M man is asking the 'rakyat' to name his Persian cat (which many people believe is not Persian anyway). However, the B.E.S.T s*!t is that 433 people actually replied blog post. More retards walking around than I initially thought.

One lousy stunt show.


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BN Open To Independent MP's

From Malaysian Insider (BN open to independent MPs, says Nazri).

And they have to say it. Mind as well just say BN open to all MP's including Oppositions. Lagi best la macam ni. And they even brought up Bota State Assemblyman Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim's case. It's not like the whole Malaysia is blind to what the ultimate 'Jumper' did and churning out less-than-average quotes like: 'Either I am with UMNO or PKR, my heart is still with the government'. What talking ya?

Also, he was called weak by our dear bygone PM Badawi. But if weak then.... why still accepted by UMNO ya?

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DBKL Sucks !

If you take a wrong turn into Bukit Jalil (where I stay), you might just end up thinking you've reached the government's f**king Forest Reserve but mind you it's just my neighbourhood. The DBKL people use to come and trim the weed once a week but not anymore. after abandoning it for about a month plus, they finally came! When asked why don't they come around as often the answer was "Atas set punya ini" (The management set this).

Who the f**k would be so free to reschedule the workers (who would cost less than RM 100 a day anyway)??? It's not like we pay cheap 'cukai tanah, cukai pintu and God knows what cukai they will spawn next' around here. First the Mat Rempits, orang-orang minyak, rapists-on-bikes, beggars and now this?!

And Najib says to make KL a world class city! F**king needs a reality check.


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Thai Mansion in Phuket for Sale

This beautiful Thai mansion in Phuket is under a selling price of about USD 8.7 mil. Not a hefty price to ask for when you consider the mansion's design, size and location. I would rather drive a Nissan Sunny for the rest of my life and stay in this mansion than to get a Reventon.

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