Posted by The Patrioti-Critic
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Many Malaysians rant and complain about the recent subsidy cuts and they have good reasons to do so. While we are being bombarded by the media about fiscal deficits, national debts and a whole lot more economic jargon the people only know one thing : THIS IS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD!

Why is it so?

Firstly, the obvious reason is that it hurt pockets of the people. My petrol a week goes up by 3 bucks and drinks in town have gone up by 10 cents (the mamak uncle won't reduce the sugar for you just because the price of sugar goes up). Public transport is lousy and inefficient and to make matters worse last year they changed the rates.

Secondly, by cutting subsidies the people expect more projects launched by the government to keep the economy rolling, balancing the inflation. However rampant corruption (to the degree that the 'muka dua' can ask for it openly in Sibu) and lack of supervision onto inflation just makes the country sink deeper.

Lets just pray that this time its a different story altogether (although something tells me its not gonna be).


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