Damn Cool 'Puisi'

The fellow who wrote this must have a lot of time and creativity. Was found at a site called www.michaelooi.net

Menteri negara boros dan sombong
Kuat merepek bercakap kosong
Tipu rakyat negara lingkup
padahalnya duit makan tak cukup

Beli kapal bina rumah
Orang miskin biar susah
Bukan Melayu dipanggil pendatang
Layanan diberi macam binatang

Masuk poket subsidi potong
Minyak, gas, buku dan gula
Kerja tak buat banyak kelentong
Dahlah bodoh nak malas pula

EPIC !!!!

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10 Illegal Things That Malaysians are Popular Of

In Malaysia, you have to do at least 5 of this to be a true Malaysian. The countdown begins with no particular order :

1) Buying pirated VCD's
2) Double and triple parking
4) Speeding
5) Beating the red light
3) Smoking indoors
6) Littering/Spitting
7) Maxing out our house compound regardless of safety rules
8) Give/receive out 'duit kopi'
9) Stick bills about loans and sex medicine on public property
10) Saying some really nasty things about the government

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Subsidy Cuts

Many Malaysians rant and complain about the recent subsidy cuts and they have good reasons to do so. While we are being bombarded by the media about fiscal deficits, national debts and a whole lot more economic jargon the people only know one thing : THIS IS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD!

Why is it so?

Firstly, the obvious reason is that it hurt pockets of the people. My petrol a week goes up by 3 bucks and drinks in town have gone up by 10 cents (the mamak uncle won't reduce the sugar for you just because the price of sugar goes up). Public transport is lousy and inefficient and to make matters worse last year they changed the rates.

Secondly, by cutting subsidies the people expect more projects launched by the government to keep the economy rolling, balancing the inflation. However rampant corruption (to the degree that the 'muka dua' can ask for it openly in Sibu) and lack of supervision onto inflation just makes the country sink deeper.

Lets just pray that this time its a different story altogether (although something tells me its not gonna be).

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Gangsta-rism is Not A Problem Because Datuk Michael Chong Said So

From The Star 12/07/2010 : Most students join “naughty groups” in schools because they want to show off, says MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong.

“There is no serious gangsterism in schools these days. These teenagers are just mischievous or have mixed with the wrong crowd,” he said.

“This is because we have yet to hear reports of them drinking blood or walking on fire as a rite of passage to join a gangster group,” he said.

“They just fill in their names on a piece of paper. I don’t think that sounds convincing,” he said.

After reading that short passage above, I burst out laughing. I think our MCA Datuk Michael Chong watches too much HK movies la. You don't need to be a professor or have a doctorate degree to know that gangster-ism doesn't just involve going around with a meat cleaver or bicycle chain, have fancy intake programs and slashing people like a big timer. It also includes terrorizing people and roaming around causing havoc like a s0ha!. (BTW, you don't need to be in a gang to be gangsta. Just act like one will do).

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National Monument : It Will Not Be a White Elephant

The Star 8/07/2010 : Datuk M. Saravanan, the Federal Territories Urban Wellbeing Deputy Minister says that the National Monument is built to woo tourists and will not be a waste of taxpayer's money. Who is he to say ya?

The cost of this thing is RM 21 mil. I dunno how the F**K he can say that this is not a waste of money. I asked myself, will you actually spend some cash to look at a long thin p*nis that will get you bored as b!tch in less than 5 mins? (Viagra can do better)

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JPJ or PDRM : What's the Diff?

I recently went to renew my road tax and they told me I had two unpaid summons. Firstly, the post office lady couldn't tell me which dept it came from so I had to drive all the way to JPJ which is kinda far from my place. Then they told me the fine was from PDRM which must be paid in SELECTED police quarters. The selected ones are in Ampang, Kajang and 'Hai Kai' near Petaling Street that are all f**king far places for almost everyone.

But my question is, what's the difference if you are paying a fine???? Everything is computerized now so can't we just pay in JPJ and let them update it into the system??? I thought Malaysia give out money slow only, now we PAY also so difficult... go home 'tidur' better lah.

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